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The YADIS Project

See the proposals for change and the action on each at Change Proposals.

Skip down to find out what this is all about.



This week

YADIS specification Version 0.9 has been released. Implementors are requested to have a go at it and please to comment by making a Change Proposal.

There is now a one month period of review by implementation.

YADIS Specification Version 1.0 will be based on feedback from implementors.



On Tuesday 24 January at the O'Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference Identity Woman speed-geeked a roomful of attendees at the User-controlled Identity workshop around demonstrations of five different implementations of LID and OpenID. See the report on the Identity Workshop Wiki at Identity Speed Geeking.

Thursday the Emerging Telephony conference heard a presentation by Johannes Ernst, Identity Crisis: Namespaces Out of Control.


Coming Soon

Internet Identity Workshop 2006 is being planned for May.


Back in the early days

The Internet Interoperability Developer Workshop, the second in the series of Internet Identity Workshops, was held in San Francisco Monday 12 December. Agenda here. Attendees here.

Friday 9 December was the deadline for suggested changes to the current XRI Resolution draft. Work is underway on the next draft.

The first YADIS Implementations are beginning to pop up.

Deciding on the official user-aware name for the YADIS Protocol.

The meeting in San Francisco to gain consensus on details of the YADIS Protocol was a success. See the meeting notes.


What's this all about?

Given an identity URL and no other information, how do we know what protocol needs to be used to authenticate that a user? YADIS is a service discovery system allowing relying parties (aka identity consumers or membersites) to determine automatically, without end-user intervention, the most appropriate protocol to use.

And not only authentication services, but any services available using that URL.


Identity URLs? What?

There are several projects concurrently working towards decentralised identity or single sign-on. Many of these use URLs as identifiers. YADIS was initiated by LID and OpenID.

After the YADIS session at the October 2005 Internet Identity Workshop, the XRI folks working on i-names joined the effort as well. YADIS is applicable to any URL-based identity system, such as Sxip or mIDm, and by no means is tied to OpenID, LID, or XRI. For more information, please take a look at the individual project sites and at the YADIS FAQ.



  • Please add your questions (and answers) to the YADIS FAQ.

More Information


Current Work


Current Draft Specification

The draft specification and companion documents:

YADIS Overview
YADIS Specification
YADIS Implementors Guide

The YADIS specification is not yet stable; it may change in the future with no backward compatibility.

Frozen previous draft specifications are available at YADIS Documents.

The current plan is to publish three documents:


YADIS Overview

This document is being developed on the Wiki.

  1. Background
  2. Goals
  3. Architectural Assumptions
    1. Fully decentralized, and no one point of control
    2. Let many (interoperable) flowers bloom
    3. URLs as identifiers
    4. REST-ful and easy to use for developers
  4. User Scenarios
    1. Scenario: Authentication at website
  5. Overview of the YADIS Protocol
  6. Overview of the YADIS Resource Descriptor
  7. For more information

YADIS Specification 0.9

Version 0.9 has been released. Implementors are requested to have a go at it and please to comment by making a Change Proposal.

There is now a one month period of review by implementation.

YADIS Specification Version 1.0 will be based on feedback from implementors.

YADIS specification Version 0.9:

Adobe PDF

Open Office Text


YADIS Implementors Guide

This document is being developed on the Wiki.

  1. Implementing YADIS
  2. Implementing the YADIS Protocol
  3. Implementing the YADIS Resource Descriptor
    1. Generating a YADIS Resource Descriptor
    2. Parsing a YADIS Resource Descriptor
  4. Impact on LID and OpenID
  5. Examples
    1. Log on at an OpenID site (non-delegated case)
    2. Log on at a LID site (non-delegated case)
  6. YADIS Implementations
  7. YADIS Services
  8. Possible Future Work